This is a blog-ish website-like interweb place-thing about making chiptunes with Klystrack. Precise? Yes. Niche? Yes. And if you're here, you're either a huge nerd or completely lost.
Who are you?
My name is James Clark and I go under the pseudonym n00bstar when I make chiptunes.
Why not?
How many?
Eight of the first, three of of the second.
Where do I?
As long as you keep it clean, anywhere.
What if I have complaints, grievances, concerns, difficulties or troubles while perusing this website, and would like to get in touch with you to relate my pains about said complaints, grievances, concerns, difficulties or troubles via the medium of electronic mail? Or y'know, just say hi and shoot the shit?
Bribes and nudes can be sent to this address.